
Last updated: Jul 9, 2024

This is a Now Page. If you don't know what a Now Page is and you have a personal website, I think you should have one too.


I've been back in Stockholm, Sweden since January 2024. My life now revolves around building mobile apps with my girlfriend, coaching founders and leaders, and taking care of two foster cats.

Life is good!

Health and fitness

I am currently in a weight loss phase. The goal is to drop to sub 90 kg and then just maintain my strength through the summer.

My strength goal for 2024 is to lift 300 kg in squats, bench and deadlifts combined. currently at 250 kg.


My primary focus is currently Kotlin Multiplatform Compose. Every mobile app I build is built with KMP and Compose.

I've also experimented a bit with building a backend using Ktor and Kotlin. If I get the motivation I'll combine this backend with my companion mobile app to share models and business logic between iOS, Android, and Backend.

Oh, and did I mention that I ❤️ Kotlin?

Live Projects

Companies I currently work with

Sabumbi Projects

For my last two projects, I've been using Firebase. Firebase is great for a lot of things, but for my next project, I'm going all in on Kotlin. This means a Kotlin Multiplatform project with Android, iOS, and server (Ktor again) sharing code.

Everything will be hosted on Digital Ocean. If you are looking for a new provider for your apps, feel free to use my referral link to save us both some money. You get $200 in credits and I get $25. Pretty sweet, right?

If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to use any of the channels below. 👇

© 2023 Viktor Nyblom