Picture of Viktor Nyblom

Nyblom as a Service

I've spent over a decade building apps, teams, and companies.

Drawing from my broad experience of different contexts, and applying industry best practices, I now coach founders (technical or non-technical) and CTOs on how to build the right thing the right way.

I do this in two ways:

On-demand Clarity Calls. One of my superpowers is to simplify the complex. In the Clarity Calls, I use this superpower to help you work through your most difficult problems with actionable insight as the end goal. Common problems are ...

Monthly retainer. Communication happens through weekly calls with async communication (Slack, email, Loom) in between where we work together on product and strategy. Common problems are product roadmaps, technology choices, making non-technical founders understand developers, and getting investment ready.

Does this sound interesting?

Click the button below to book a discovery call with me to see if we are a good fit for each other.


Will you write code for our app?

No. But I know great people who could!

Will you work for (sweat) equity

Probably not.

Will you work from our office?

No, remote only.

How will you bill me?

I work on a monthly retainer, billed at the start of each new period.

How much will it cost me?

Clarity calls are priced at €300*/hour.

Retainers start at €2500*/month for 10 hours per month.

*plus VAT where applicable

What are some examples of what you can help with?

A non-exhaustive list:

  • Help you focus on building the right thing at the right time
  • Guide you in establishing a scalable product development process
  • Chair your advisory board, to make sure you get the most out of it
  • Level up your current CTO through 1on1 coaching
  • Guide you in Roadmaping review and input to help you get to product market fit
  • Support in building a recruitment roadmap (what's the next role to hire)
  • Support CEOs, management teams, and boards in making strategic, technical decisions.

If any of these examples resonate with you, or if you have another problem that you think I might be able to help you with, please use the link below to schedule a discovery call with me free of charge!

Some of the things I've done

Don't take my word for it

Viktor's approach expands thinking and encourages exploring different avenues, leading to greater opportunities and risk mitigation. As a team player, he effectively engages stakeholders to propel ideas forward.

Neo Moreton
(AI) Founder | Executive Coach | Author

Viktor has a gift for bringing out the best in his team. Despite working remotely with developers overseas, he quickly grasped everyone's strengths and assigned tasks accordingly. Under his direction, we delivered features to market at record speed.

Charana Amarasekara
Lead Developer at Aristotle | AI Innovator

Viktor was brought in to lead the transition from agency to inhouse team and worked in the management team for 2.5 years. His ability to explain technical challenges in simple terms was a huge asset to us founders.

Timothy Forni
COO & Co-founder Baby Journey

© 2023 Viktor Nyblom